linux How to enable Intel Quicksync on NixOS with a Supermicro X13SAE-F and an Intel i5-13600k Like most things, getting Quicksync working on NixOS with a motherboard that has IPMI and a 13th gen Intel chip is quite simple once you know how. The complexities come
technical Set a static IP in Unraid from the command line When flashing the brand new Unraid 7 to a USB stick earlier today I did something silly. I configured a static IP that conflicted with another host in the same
technical Using Beszel to monitor Windows Beszel is a new, lightweight monitoring app that natively supports Mac and Linux. I'll cover how to set it up natively in Windows or WSL2 in today's post.
technical docker compose generator v2 release For the last ~7 years I have been using an Ansible role to manage my docker compose files. It was time for a major overhaul.
secret-management Keeping secrets secret with git-crypt Figuring out how to keep secrets secret using git-crypt and PGP keys.
ansible git submodules for fun and profit with Ansible No matter how hard I try to fully switch over to Nix, I always seem to end up back at the altar of Ansible. This post isn't about
technical Replacing Google with SearXNG as the default in Chrome No tracking. No ads. Search as it was. Now when you enter a search query in the Chrome address bar it will route through your SearXNG instance automatically.
technical 4Kn sector disk passthrough in Proxmox Solving an issue with 4Kn sector disks and passthrough in Proxmox with direct KVM arg injection.
technical Everyone should have a PiKVM in their desk area What do you do when you want to tinker with a bare metal system? For years, I'd go drag an old monitor, keyboard, and mouse out of a
technical Reading obfuscated Seagate SMART stats with smartctl Reading a SMART report from a Seagate drive with smartctl can be bit tricky sometimes. Values that should be human readable are obfuscated. This can lead to issues in all
perfect-media-server The Best Media Server CPU... in the world. After a solid 8 months of testing, I think we have a big enough sample size to draw some conclusions. The best media server CPU is...
technical Set a static IP address in Home Assistant OS Full credit goes to this forum post. I found myself in need of dropping to the CLI for a fresh Home Assistant OS install on top of Proxmox after using
linux Fixing "kernel EDID has corrupt header" in Proxmox 8 and NixOS Since fairly recently my Proxmox install has shown an almost barf inducing amount of errors along the lines of edid block 0 is all zeroes or kernel EDID has corrupt
nix Packaging a go app for NixOS The imposter syndrome around almost anything to do with NixOS is as strong as the pull to use it in the first place.
technical A Cheap No-Frills OPNsense box If you're looking to build a small, quiet and cheap box to run OPNsense on then I have a build you might be interested in. This box has
technical I need your help with Intel Quick Sync benchmarking! Please help me benchmark as many Intel CPUs Quick Sync transcoding performance as possible!
electronics X32 Rack Mixer PSU Replacement I bought a used unit off of Reverb and after about 75 days the unit began exhibiting these symptoms in the video. Neither Reverb nor the seller cared any so I began the hunt for a fix.
tailscale SplitDNS magic with Tailscale Today, we're going to take a deep dive into the world of DNS. Specifically looking at Tailscale's magicDNS feature which allows us to do neat things like refer to our Tailnet devices by name or configure splitDNS to query remote DNS servers.
technical I have a YouTube channel now. This week I launched a YouTube channel. After many years of saying I would and not, I finally have. So here goes nothing! I'll be covering topics ranging
technical Mapping sensors output to physical drives in Linux Whilst building out some new Grafana dashboards over the weekend I made the switch from InfluxDB to Promtheus node exporters for scraping metrics from Linux servers. But how do you marry up the drivetemp-scsi-0-10 value output from sensors to a physical disk?
technical Use 1 PiKVM instance to control 4 systems And there we have it. One PiKVM able to control and view up to 4 systems at once. And with the addition of a USB thumb drive to the KVM we can even boot any ISO we want!
technical Restricting ASRock Rack BMC to dedicated IPMI_LAN port only During this process I came across a frustrating "bug" in the Asrock Rack BMC implementation. No matter the settings I gave the BMC it was getting two IP addresses. One on the IPMI_LAN port as expected in my management VLAN, and another on eth0 which is undesirable.
ansible Check for duplicate items in a list with Ansible using a custom filter I expected writing a custom filter was going to be difficult and cumbersome but it was very simple and in the end, much faster than trying to turn YAML into a programming language!
technical Dump Disqus for Giscus This is an easy project. Sure it will probably take an hour or two to get your head around but don't put it off. The end result is great and means no ads or tracking are insidiously injected into your content anymore.
docker Configuring Traefik on Synology DSM7 using docker macvlans Recent changes in DSM7 have made guaranteeing being able to free up ports 80/443 for use by traefik rather difficult. Using a combination of several advanced techniques with docker networking we can circumvent this requirement once and for all with the macvlan driver.