travel Exploring Arizona My travels got off to a good start this year. I had a work thing in Phoenix this week and as I usually try to do, I managed to take
usa Our State Grading System We've visited so many States now we figured it was time to devise a system to track them.
mum-usa-2019 The Outer Banks (Part 2) As we stepped once again out of the Raleigh bubble whilst ordering dinner we were quizzed "you folks aren' from round here are ya?". Truly NC is a different place to the Triangle.
linux The Linux Community is Awesome! These people, the hosts, are a huge part of my life. I couldn't help but get a little emotional that I was listening to the intro music in studio with the guys. It was a super cool moment.
mum-usa-2019 From mountains to coast Mum is coming. I'll be on my way to the airport to go and collect her shortly. Having taking the plunge and emigrated almost exactly 6 months she is the first family member to be able to visit us and I couldn't be more excited.
usa-roadtrip-2018 America is big America, as it turns out, is quite large! This is just the main itinerary from our 2018 USA summer roadtrip. To put this distance into perspective London - Israel is
usa-roadtrip-2018 Do America Comparing August 1999 to June 2018 might seem odd at first but bear with me. In the UK aged 11 we move from Junior School to Secondary School and it&