When flashing the brand new Unraid 7 to a USB stick earlier today I did something silly. I configured a static IP that conflicted with another host in the same LAN.
This meant I couldn't access the Unraid UI to fix it. However, by modifying one file in the /boot
directory by hand we can set a static IP easily and quickly. In Unraid land, the /boot
directory is persisted on the USB stick the system boots from.
To make changes to this file, open the command line interface to your Unraid system either by being at the physical console of the machine or via some other means. If it's a brand new box, root
won't have a password yet so simply type root
and you'll be in. Again, if this is a brand new box you won't be able to connect via SSH so you must find a way to get to the terminal of the box itself.
Next use a text editor to modify /boot/config/network.cfg
to your requirements. Here's an example of setting a static IP in the subnet
for reference:
root@Tower:~# cat /boot/config/network.cfg
# Generated network settings
When finished, save the file and reboot your box.
Once you've restored access to the webUI you can modify network settings under Settings -> Network Settings