A-ha! Free wifi! Stumbled upon by a mischievous Alex. Nothing illegal, don’t worry - just some people don’t protect their networks (idiotas!!).
So here we are then! Florence! And what a beautiful place this truly is. They must have some of the strictest planning laws anywhere here, not a single place (even the shopping areas) can you find a building less than 100 years old.

The day began in Switzerland as we headed further up the valley from our overnight stop to the highest station in Europe that doesn’t require a rack to reach - 7,000ft or something stupid! We then turned back and retraced our steps for the first time this holiday heading back towards Milan.
We were treated to Italy’s fabulous new Frecciarossa trains as I mentioned earlier. These are fantastic beasties! 304km/h (188mph) was the highest the onboard speedo read at one point. The line from Milan to Bologna is boring, just flying through flat dull farmland. From Bologna to Florence is even more boring, as you spend about 85% of the trip in a tunnel! Amazingly, you get reception down there too. It seems they couldn’t find a decent route over the top so they have literally just built tunnels and bridges through and over whatever stood in the way. Felt like stepping into Japan or something!
We arrived at Florence and after a short walk reached our hotel for the evening. Hotel Piazza Del Duomo! We have room 6, the ‘king room’. This overlooks the main dome of the cathedral and we are right in the heart of Florence. A quick stroll took us down to the river this evening where we polished off a jug of cheap wine, and some delicious pasta.
Tomorrow we are out 8am - 9pm on a guided tour of Chianti, Sienna, a Wine farm (with “hearty” lunch and wine!) and then onto Pisa. Really looking forward to that - must get an early night.
Good night chaps!!!