Challenge accepted!

Good morning chaps!

We are back to the trains today. Our mission, if we choose to accept it: Travel 700km in one day using almost only public transport.

Challenge accepted! (How I met your mother reference - it’s a tv show grandma!).

Ok so we rolled out of bed just before Dawn at 6am this morning. Made ourselves some breakfast with bacon, eggs and cereal - accompanied by a truly beautiful sunrise. We packed up the remainder of things, said goodbye to the mouse and braved our way up the driveway once more!

Successfully navigating our way through the Italian countryside and almost taking the wrong exit at a toll plaza we ended up Ancona - our hire car drop off point. I’ve been relying on 25mb worth of 3G Internet a day so far on this trip and in the farmhouse reception was limited. So I’d like to thank Dad and Caitlin for their in locating the hire car return point in ancona. It was right opposite the station!!!

Our penultimate Italian train takes us right along the coast with the Adriatic sea to our right, heading for Bologna. We are currently 15 minutes late but have a 32 minute connection in Bologna bound for Innsbruck.

The most difficult part of the day though is definitely completed with the return of the hire successful. Locating of the various buildings in Ancona. We can just relax at the mercy of the Italian train gods for a couple more hours - and then we are back into safer territory once we reach Austria!!