A lazy day

Found the sun loungers today!

Lazily reading a book and lying in the soft evening sun, next to the pool. If we were any more relaxed we might start going backwards!

We made a picnic salad and went for a drive up into the mountains today near Bolognola. We found a beautifully picturesque spot to eat our grub - complete with picnic tables.

We are all set for the final week of our European Grand Tour now. Washing is all but done and dry. Bodies are recharged. Sleep has been gotten in generous quantities. And, tummies serviced with some good old fashioned home baked fare. 11 days of pizza and pasta was a bit much!

Tomorrow then, we return the hire car to Ancona and catch our final Italian train to Bologna. From there we change - bound for Innsbruck where aim to be by 16:30 if all goes to plan. Being Italy, I’m sure something will go wrong but then that’s part of the charm now!

Adios amigos!!!!